Saturday, March 24, 2012

Organizing Your Jewelry

This post is inspired by one of my very best friends, Kasey.
We both have a ton of great jewelry, but haven't found a great way to organize it.
I keep my jewelry in two jewelry boxes, but there is nothing organized about it! My necklaces get tangled, the drawers topple over all the time scattering earrings's a disaster.

To make it worse, these jewelry boxes are inconveniently located in my closet with clothes hanging down in front of them making it very difficult to see what is in them.

Most of the time I am rushing out the door as I put my jewelry on. Instead of picking out jewelry that would accessorize and compliment my outfit I just through on "the usual" because it is on my dresser and walk (rather run) out the door.

I racked my brain and here is what I cam up with. It will only take 3 dollars and an empty drawer.
::I like cheap!::
I went to Wal-Mart and purchased one of the organization boxes, slid it in my drawer and put all my favorite jewelry in there. It is wonderful and I actually wear more of my jewelry now. It doesn't have all my jewelry in it but it has the pieces that I  like the most.

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